p. 133
William Cockes peticanon of Christis churche in Canterbury being exammined of suche wourdes as my lorde Arche bisshop of Canterburye did speake in the consistorie in Christis churche in Canterbury aforesaid aboute the assumption of our ladie ii yeres past Saith, that apon declaracion there hadd by the said lorde Archebisshop, saied the saied Lorde Archebisshop saied that there were vi prechers appoynted iii of oxforde and iii of Cambridge, to thentente that thei myght betwene theym trie ough oute the trueth of doctrine, But whither that the said lord Archebisshop named, that the kyng hadd appoynted iii of Oxforde or and iii of Cambridge Or, the said lorde Archebisshophymself had appoynted iii of Oxforde and three of Cambridge, This deponent moche doubteth / Be me Sir william cockes prest
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.