p. 201
Rythe worschypffull master: salutatyons gevyn: thes be to declare unto yow: thatt certen honest men off the parysche off sayntt aelphegys in Canterbury whoys namys ar thes: John hugden: Raffe Albrythe: Robert Absolon: John Barton: Doo wytnesse thatt Thomas Batters the kinges servantt. Also William Salter the kinges bedd man dwellyng within the Cyty off Canterbury: In the parysche off sayntt aelpheges: on sayntt Georges day last past dyd procure certen off their noygbers to sett ther handes: other to be contentyd: to have ther namys sett unto a letter whom they had dyvysyd In testymonyall ffor the honesty off theyr parson: parson off sayntt aelpheges : by thatt maenes intendyng to debare: suche honest wytnesse as att thatt tyme aperyd att lambhythe: be ffore my lord off Canter wytnessyng suche wordes: as they heard: ther parson speke a yenst the auctoryte off auryculer confessyon: And thes ii be ffore namyd: Batters and Salter: dyd not onely procure off ther owne parysche: butt off other parysches also: suche as they knew wold bend unto them. Be sydes thys: hytt ys here reportyd by honest men: thatt batters: thatt same day: sayde: unto John hugden: with crakes that the parson off saynt aelpheges wastroblyd onely by the maenes off gardner and also Schether schulde qwayle: Worschypffull master: thes and suche lyke wordes may geve grett cause to bold men : In ther evyll doynges unlesse thatt your masterschypp ffynd remedy to cause thes bold spekers to temper ther tunges : God preserve yow : Canter
William Gardner priest
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.