
thys ys to certyfy your mastershype that the same angre & malyce expressyd by wordes of doctor london to me was not counterfet ne faynyd angre which master wyllyams the dean of lychfeld yf he be requiryd can testify Item doctor kechyn lat abbat of heynsam can testyfy the same which on palme munday logyd yn the same yn at maydenhede wher y was logyd to whom y openyd at supper ther the hole matter of owr varians & fallyng owt & he advertysyd me to wryt sum gentyl letter to pacyfy mr london hys yre & to sende my man with my letter backe to london or eles to ryd backe my selfe by whos councell y wrot the letter to doctor wylloby & sent backe my servant with all

Item abowth thys thyme ii yeres as y was entryng yn communication with the bysshope of Wynchester that yt myght please hym to be so good lord un to me to helpe me forth yn my suyt that the sender thorow hyme y myght attayne of the kynges grace a lycens to preche owt of the diocesse off caunterbure with a non residens & sodenly cam yn the byshop off rochester & seyd my lord the howre ys past & then they bogth went to london & y never spake with hyme syth ne be fore as y take god to record y most humble besech your masterschype to speke for me to my lordes grace that y may be restoryd to lyberte

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.