p. 074

24 Septembris 1543
Christofor levenysh
Christofor Levennyshe did pull downe certain ymages within the Citie of Caunterbury and in the parishe churche of our laidye at Northegate. and in the parrishe of s. petirs violently
Item that Christofer Levennyshe did burn the bones of Sainct blase in s. petirs parrishe in Caunterbury in his awne hous as apperithe by mater of Record in the Court hall with his owne hand.
26 Septembris 1543
Nicolas ffitzwilliams
errour & offensive
The vth day of August Anno xxxv domini nostri Regis did say at thospitall of saincte Jeames amonges the brithern there that praiers did not help the soules that were departed this present lif. for in the diriges and Deprofundes the preestes pray for none. but for them selfes. And theruppon began to declare unto them what the deprofundes was in Englishe /John Sowde. henry ffysher. Robert parker. & other.
- Joannes Sowd
- henry ffisher
- Robert Parker /

24 Sept. 1543.Chr. Levennyshe pulled down certain images in Canterbury bury and in the par. ch. of Our Lady of Northgate and in St. Peter's violently. He burned the bones of St. Blase in St. Peter's parish in his own house, as appears by record in the Court hall with his own hand. 26 Sept. 1543.Nic. Fitzwilliams on the 5 Aug. 35 H. VIII. maintained that prayers did not help souls departed and explained the De profundis in English.