heresies / and other that have made them selfes preeest and wer none as Giles Barham. a moncke of Dovor that celebrated in northegate churche and hard confessions in lent &c /

The said John kept Joane boucher in his hous after that she was detected and accused uppon certaine articles concerning the faithe

John Toftes was suertie for one John Clerke that brake their fast on Easter Anno d. Regis xxxiido. in the mornyng with a calves hed / and Joane Boucher with hym. Which would thesame daye have receyvid their maker

John Toftes was suertie for Joane Clerkes fourth cominying which clerke fledd

John Toftes hous is comonly reported to be have the resorte of evill and suspect personnes as bland Tournour the parsonne of hothefild. Jonas the preest that was married to a mans daughter of barham at sainct Johnes hospitall / and after commonly resorted to Toftes hous / Andrew kempe. Nicolas Raynolde. John Boydon. Thomas Bredkirke. Roger mantel. The vicar of Northgate with other.

errour & offensive

John Toftes saied in Easter weeke last past that it was abhominable ydolatry to knele before the sepulture Austen Draper. mother. hamon John Boyden.


John Toftes saied sithen Easter last past. that it is no honour to god to have lightes set up for he saied Christ is lux mundi / and therfore evensonge might be said without any light

and of persons who have made themselves priests and were none, as Giles Barham, a monk of Dover that celebrated in Northgate ch. and heard confessions in Lent. He kept Joan Boucher in his house after she was accused. He "was surety for one John Clercke that brake their fast on Easter anno d. R. xxxijdo in the morning with a calf's head, and Joan Boucher with him; which would the same day have received their Maker." He was surety for Joan Clerk's forthcoming; "which Clerk fled." His house has been the resort of Bland, Tournour, the parson of Hothefild, "Jonas the priest, that was married to a man's daughter of Barham at St. John's Hospital, and after commonly resorted to Toftes' house." He said in Easter week last that it was abominable idolatry to kneel before the Sepulture; and, since, that it was no honor to God to have lights set up, for Christ is Lux mundi.