p. 121

Interrogatory mynisterd by my lordes grace off canterbury : my lord cobbam & Mr. doctor lye whether edmond shither hard my lordes say at croyden that he wold be even with gardener or that gardener shuld repent the resoning he maid on trinite sonday was twelfmonth.
I do not perfectly Remember the very woordes for the thing was utterly owt of my mynd but that serles syns upon a tyme repeted it: how be it I remember nothing that my lordes grace said that he wold be even with gardener or that he shuld repent his wordes but only as I remember my lordes grace said that the communycation that gardener hadd that day shuld be repeted agayn at his gracis commyng to canterbury.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.