The said John Parkehurste deposith that  at London aboute witsontide laste he shewid a rowle of Articles unto Sir Thomas Moile, and Mr henley conceyvid againste the parson of witcheling and other, whiche afterwarde being declarid unto Sir John Bacar, and by hym advised to be delivered unto the Commissoners whan thei shoulde come into kente, was nevertheles delivered unto my lorde of Northfolke oute of hande Tharticles for the mooste parte were matter commensid before the last generall pardon

John Parkehurste of Leneham in kente

Item he saieth that aboute the assumption of  our Ladie last paste, there mett his house to make merye, Mr Richard Parkehurste his uncle, Doctour Leffe, master of maidestone college Doctor Mugg, person of harisam, Mr Serls the vicar of Charing, Mr George Loys of wynchilsey and his brother the parson of Boughton malarde, John Pers of Charing and divers moo whose names he cannot remember, in whiche assemble was no thing entreatid than concernyng theis matters in kente, but of merth and good chere as he saieth

IV. Deposition of John Parkehurst, of Leneham in Kent, that, at London, about Whitsuntide last, he showed a roll of articles to Sir Thomas Moile and Mr. Henley against the parson of Witcheling and others; "which afterward being declared unto Sir John Bacar and by him advised to be delivered unto the commissioners when they should come into Kent, was nevertheless delivered unto my lord of Norfolk out of hand. The articles, for the most part were matter commenced before the last general pardon. Item, he saith that, about the Assumption (fn. 17) of Our Lady last past, there met at his house to make merry Mr. Richard Parkehurste his uncle, Dr. Leffe, master of Maidstone College, Dr. Mugg, parson of Harisam, Mr. Serls, the vicar of Charing, Mr. George Loys of Winchilsea, and his brother, the parson of Boughton Malarde, John Pers of Charing, and divers mo whose names he cannot remember, in which assembly was nothing entreated then concerning these matters in Kent, but of mirth and good cheer as he saith."