The viker of Betrisden

holy water

he dyd send a letter to a woman of his parish that sent to hym for counsel for a disease, that she sholde take holy water & say certen wordes with other sorcery.

John Thatcher the younger.

He said that the bible was made by the devil.

The vicar of saynt paules in Canturbery


He dyd dissuade one Cruse of his parish from etynge of whitmete in lent last past, & rebuked hym therfore


He hath not declared the good use of the good  ceremonyes used of Ashwednesday, palme sonday, good friday, cand-mas day etc.


He said, this is now the iiide tyme that Englande hath been out of the feith.



There is an ymage of our Lady at Eastwell yet standinge wherunto was contynuall oblacion in tymes past of monney whiche ymage had also a coote fixed with pence.

The ymage of saincte George in saincte Georges church in Caunterbury whiche was taken downe by the kinges lettre is nowe set up agayn unto the whiche ymage before that tyme was oblacion made

William Quylter of Staple gentilman

Injunctions n

Whatsoever was doon in the name of god was well doon. The same William being churchewarden and hed of the parrishe hath neclected the kinges maiesties Iniunctions geven the xxviiith of yere of his Reigne and is not yet fulfilled, wheras every parrishe is not yet fulfilled is commaunded to prepare a chest with ii lockes and ii keyes of the commune goodes of the churche for the same keping of a booke or Regestre of the names of all them that be married, christened and buried

The parsonne of Milton besides Caunterbury



He had in his churche of Milton an ymage of sainct margaret to whiche was a common pilgremage, and caused it to be taken down And uppon saincte margaretis day last past Mr John Cros somtyme Cellerer of Christchurche cam to the same churche and did set up the same ymage agayn with a garland of flowers on the hed of it and did strowe the churche and said mas there.

thys chaplane was a observand & he a mogke

xxii. The Vicar of Betrisden. "He did send a letter to a woman of his parish that sent to him for counsel for a disease, that she should take holy water and say certain words, with other sorcery." Margin : "Holy water." xxiii. [John Thatcher the younger. ["He said that the Bible was made by the Devil."] (fn. 14) xxiv. The Vicar of St. Paul's in Canterbury. "He did dissuade one Cruse, of his parish, from eating of white meat in Lent last past, and rebuked him therefor." Margin : "Lent." "He hath not declared the use of good ceremonies used of Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Cand[le]mas day, &c." Margin : "Ceremonies." (fn. 11) "He said 'This is now the 3d time that England hath been out of the faith.'" (fn. 15) xxv. Estwell. "There is in an image of Our Lady at Estwell yet standing, whereunto was continual oblation in times past of money; which image had also a coat fixed with pence." Margin : "Images." xxvi. William Quilter of Staple, gentleman. (fn. 11) Whatsoever was done in the name of God was well done. "The same William, being churchwarden and head of the parish, hath neglected the King's Majesty's injunctions given the 28th (fn. 16) year of his reign and is not yet fulfilled, whereas every parish is commanded to prepare a chest with two locks and two keys, of the common goods of the church, for the same (qu. safe?) keeping of a book or register of the names of all them that be married, christened and buried." Margin : "Injunctions." xxvii. The Parson of Milton besides Canterbury. (fn. 11) "He had in his church of Milton an image of St. Margaret, to which was a common pilgrimage, and caused it to be taken down. And upon St. Margaret's day last past Mr. John Cros, sometime cellarer of Christchurch, came to the same church and did set the same image again with a garland of flowers on the head of it, and did strowe the church and said mass there." Margin : "Images." In another hand : "His chaplain was a Observand and he a mungke."