communycatyon off hytt. I nor none off my company (so ffarr as I doo know) ys able to say: Butt sone after aester : Mr parkhurst: Mr Schether: and I william Gardner: were sentt ffor unto london, by lettres : sentt unto us from owr daene: Mr doctor wotton: wyllyng us with all spede to repare unto london: and ther to apere be ffore one off the privy cowncell namyng noo manes name determynatt: hys lettres declaryd thatt he was commawndyd to write unto us: In hys lettres: he also declaryd thatt he wold schew unto us hys name. thatt wyllyd us to apere: when we came unto london: Unto london when we were cume we were commawndyd by Mr Daene to goo unto Syr John Baker knygthe: unto whom: when we came: he schewyd unto us a copy: off the boke: with namys nott subscrybyd: and sayde here ys a boke: delyveryd unto me: and hytt ys thowght: thatt yow have knowlege off hytt: I requyre yow In the kynges majesteys name: thatt yow goo to gyther and thatt thatt yow know to be trew: and to be abyddyn by: theroff make a ffayer boke: And the kynges plaesure ys: thatt yow ffare none: and spare nott to tell the trowthe. ffor ffere off ony man he wyllythe yow. In thys matter to ffere none: butt god and hym

butt we schuld have done and ore unto the discharge off selffe yff althogh e dyd thys and ayd as a good le yff we had rst gon unto ? lordes grace our ordynary : well dyd we nott more ffoly In : : The boke we :c:

And doo hytt trewly and ffayzthfully withowt all drede: off ony under hys majestye: We so commawndyd perusyd the boke thorowly and so myche as we knew to be trew: and with handes subscribyd to be abyddyn by: we dyd putt Into a boke new writen: and  the boke dyd goo unto my lord off wynchester with the boke: butt he wold nott kepe hytt: butt lokyd on hytt qwykly dymyssyd us: and byd us goo unto Syr John Baker knythe: off whom we hadd the boke: and then to delyver hytt And so unto Syr John Baker we returnyng: (by the handes off Mr Schether / Mr parkhurst and I standyng by) hytt was delyveryd unto the ffore namyd Syr John Baker knygthe: Thatt done we were dymyssyd and sentt home a gen: And so we have contyneneyd: (I trust trew) unto god: and unto the kynges hyghnesse unto whom: god grawntt long lyffe and prosperusse

per me william Gardner clericus

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.