p. 212
to goo unto syr John Baker knyghte : And soo we dyd : owt ffrom whoys handes the boke a yenst my lord : was delyveryd was us : and we commawndyd In the kynges hyghnesse name : to say withowt ffere off any man under the kyng whatt we cowde say : : how the boke came unto hys handes : And by whoys cowncell : hytt was sett fforthe ther doctor wyllyby can say : and nott I :
With whom they had conference and whoo dyd boldyn and anymatt them : In the same : And In whatt fforme by wordes : or writyng : or otherwyse
Wythe whom doctor wyllyby dyd conffer att london : And by whom he was : ther boldyd to cumme unto Canterbury : And ther to move matter : In good ffaygthe I know nott :: butt when thatt mr parkhurst : mr schether : and I wyllyam gardner : had sayde unto the boke owr myndes as then was : And the boke delyveryd unto mr Baker a genst : we were by hym commawndyd : to gather styll : ffrom tyme unto tyme : all abusys : worthy to be refformyd.
What matter they had In the begynnyng ffor ffundatyon or grownd In thes thynges :
I am nott able to say off sewarty : whatt matter they hadd : Butt hytt
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.