Ad primum articulum Respondeo

They presentyd nott Thys artycle In writyng att thatt tyme: scz ther ys none In hevyn butt christ: butt by mowzthe

Item ther ys addyd unto thys artycle In the primytyffe tyme: c when as the precher sayde off iii thynges he wold speke: off the ffourthe which was communyte he wold nott speke : he sayde nott communyte off all thinges: butt communyte al noo thyng addyng: wherffor thes wordes / off all thynges ar addyd.

Ad 2um Respondeo


As ffar as I Mr schether herd them say ther was noo thyng provyde a yenst hym butt all onely by one may off sayntt Jamys howss Johannes howsse & Sir cherden parson of sayntt aelpheges: Butt now I perceyve the contrary many and dyversse artycles were provyd a yenst them And lykewyse a yenst Mr Serles: off the which be ffore thys tyme I had noo knowlege: now knowyng hytt : I conffesse thatt artycle to be ffalsse:

Ad 2 um Respondeo

dyversse artyclys were provyd: butt as I doo now know: all were nott: althoghe men which were then callyd to be wytnesse sayde them as they thoght all were provyd

As 3um Respondeo

why iii off the artyclys presentyd were left owt In good ffayzth I know nott: and whether ony were left owt I know nott: ffor I know now how many were presentyd unto my lordes grace

Ad 4 um

He rebukyd Mr Serles ffor prechyng: thatt no ydolatry mygthe be don unto an ymage which representyd a sayntt.

Ad 5um

he had schewyd unto the kynges hygnesse whatt he had don In ordenyng the vi prechers : iii off the new & iii off the old: And the kyng was well plaesyd therwith

Ad 6um

I know noo other accusers b off them butt ther wytnesse which came a yenst them and as Mr schether sayde ffor hys, Mr serles ffor hys they were by comyn ffame notyd off evyll opynyons.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.