Memorandum that my lord grace dyd send unto me a Booke of xxvi Articles that I sholde make Awnswer unto them wyth spede. Trewly y had so lytyle a tyme for so mych As  my lordes dyd send unto me ii tymys yn a day for my Awnswer. ffor so mych as I had so Evel tyme & sumwhat I was desesed. I cowde not yn that space Cal to my Remembrence enly thyng. Wher for synce that tyme. I have remembred Mor as hyt followyth yn the boke

In primis as concernyng the 6 Article wher hyt was demawnded of me. whyther the honest off ther Audyence offeryd them selvys & s.

Thys I made Awnswer that there war dyverse on & I thynke browght yn by mayster Serelys & were not examened whether they offered them selvys to be sworne or Any Requiryng for use to be sworne. y ame not seure there of. But there Certeyne dyd Apere y thynke suerely for that purpose

Synnys that tyme I have callyd to my Rembrance thys thyng concernyng the same After that I was Examyned yn the Chapetre howse. A fore mayster Comyssery ordynary under my lord. doctor Barber. doctor Taylyour & Mayster Smyth beyng deputed by my lordes grace to Examen not onely those that were off owre howse. But also both off the Cytye of Canterbury. & of the Cuntrey / My exami// nacyin done. / Mr Commyssary doctor Taylor & I wer to gether almost at the Chapytre howse dore. They desyryng me at that tyme. to pacyfy mayster Sayntleger beyng beyng be fore me Examened & owte of pacyens as they seyde to me. Then I sayde a gayne. maysters I woolde there were an Indyfferency used Amongst you. you have Examened Certeyne off othefylde. wych cam ageynst meyster  Serlys as I understand of the wych one was Rychard Godffrey by ffame A suspect persone. here at the dore the syght ar browght yn iii or iiii browgh yn. y thynke by mr Serlys. Thys not wyth standyng alle they were yn Syght they were not Callyd yn to Examynacyon

Item whither they that woolde speke a gaynst Evyll opynyons. dar not for yff they doo. they be complayned on & Callyd Sodycyowse persons. Styryng men to commocyon & by whom they be so Called. To thys I Awnssered that I dyd not remebre to kno of any Suych persens.


Symys that tyme. I have Callyd to Remembrance the Seyng off mr Gardener beyng at london yn the passyon weeke was xii Monethys. My lorde Seyng unto they sayde mr Gardener. you preched of late yn Crystes Church at Canterbury as I am Credably Informyd. you dyd make a Seducyows sermond where by Sum of your Audyence were moch offended / to Thys mr Gardener Awsweryd

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.