My lord I be sech your grace be leve the Trewth / I kno that Many & dyverse yn Caunterbury doyth ffavur me but lytylle. they woolde / woolde fayne put me to dysplesure. Thys do I ynsure your grace, that for every one that hath complayned unto you on me. I wyll bryng vi that shuld Testify that I preched christianly & quyatly And at that tyme he I preched a gaynst such as woold that al prayer yn an unkone Tung sholde be but Bablyng & a gaynst such as semyth not to ffavur the  erectyon of ymages.

Item whether complaying to the ordynary at hys handes they gete nothyng but displesure and the party Evyll prechyng mych ffavur & boldenes. And who he had dysplesure of the ordynary for complaynyng A gaynst Evyll prechers and what Evyll prechers hath had ffevur & boldenes at the ordynares hendes To thys I Awnswered that I dyd  Remembre of no complayntes made to the ordynares other then such that mr Sayntleger & I dyd put up yn A Booke ofto my lordes grace at hys commawndement concernyng prechyng. As concernyng any dysple sure that we have or shold have for hyt I do not kno of Any.


How be hyt syns that tyme I remembre the seyng of mr Gardener that he complaynyd & presentyd to my lordes grace the Articles of mr Scory & meyster Rydley by  mowth. Resonyng wyth my lordes grace upon the same The seyde meyster Gardener y had these woordes of my lord / mr Gardener you and your Cumpany doo holde me Short. I wyll holde you as short.

I Richard parkehurst

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.