Item to thys Article & thys poynt what Evyll prechers hath had ffawore at my lordes he at therdynarys handes. the

Thys it doyth seme that both mr Scory & mr lawcet Rydley had favour at the ordynareis handes. for so mych as they were acused for Evyll prechyng yn the Rogacyon weeke was ii yeres. and as yete not ponysched for the same as ffer as I kno or have herd. mr scory by syde preched at saynt paulys at the Rogacyon weeke. dyverse tymes as hit doyth Apere by a Booke (at my lordes com mawndement) put up to his grace) By mr Sayntleger & me / where upon yn that he had no puneschment there for. I doo take hyt that the sayde mr Scory had ffevour at the ordynarys hand. And by that tyme I doo take hyt. that he hath byn the more Bold yn his prechis. for syns that tyme he hath preched at Cristes Church that sola ffidei justificat / Also that the sacrement of the Altar was hostia laudys. & non Sacrificium pro pecates

Ric parkehirst

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.