What communicacion he had with parkehurst or Mr. Millis syns he was put at libertie or with any other concernyng them that cam to offer themselffes to testifie for Serls and Shether

What communication he had, or hard concernyng his communicacion with tharchebisshop at London in passion weke was xii moneth

What communicacion he had of any that had displeasur of thordinary for complaynyng of evill preachers / or favour of hym towardes evill preachers

What communicacion he hadd or hard of doctour willoughbie

What communicacion was hadd with my lorde wardens Chapleyn

What communicacion he had or hard off Milles Scorye Serls, Shether, or of any other /

What he said of the booke, that he delivered to my Lorde syns his commyng to Canterburye

What movid hym to have conference with other in theis mattiers contrarie to his othe and allegiaunce

What he knowith to be true of tharticles presentid againste tharchebisshop of Canterburye, of his awn knowledge

Whither Mr. Smyth parson of Saincte Marie Mawdelen in Canterburye had communicacion with doctour Barbour in the north courte of Christis churche of Canterburye, the same daye, that Serls and Shether were callid before my Lorde and what the communicacion was

Item why the same Smyth made as thoughe he wolde have gone home, and than returned againe, and went to Maister Parkehurste chamber, and there being Mr. Parkehurste Mr. Gardener, Mr Milles, Mr. Serls, and Mr. Shether

Item at that tyme whan my lorde sent for Mr. Serls and Mr. Shether, why thei denied theym to be there / And what communicacion thei harde at that tyme /

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.