p. 221

Interrogatories for Gardiner
how many bokes he knoweth have made of complayntes in this dioces, & delyvered to any of the cowncel.
what tyme that booke was first delyvered to Doctor willoughby
& what tyme it was after subscribed, & what tyme he with mr Parkehurst & mr Shether. were sent for. to com up to london.
what letteres he wrote to the byshope of wynchester by mr Shetheres servaunt
what tyme he commaunded yonge Thacker to ryde straight wayes to my the Bussshope of winchester, as I yf tharchbusshope of Cantturbery dyd sende for. this deponent, & for what purpose he so commaunded hym, & what he willed hym to say to the Busshope of wynchester, & what conforte he loked for. at hys handes
what tyme the boke called the unperfite boke, was delyvered to Petitt
what was the tenour of the last lettre of mr Shether. unto the Busshope of wynchester.
What notes he wrote for mr Shether
what he can say further of my lect tharchbusshope lecture ad hebreos.
what communication he had with petitt of the article of the sacrament of the aultare presented agaynst Scory.
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I know butt off one boke delyveryd unto doctor wyllyby butt whether he delyveryd hytt unto the cowncell or nott I know nott : Off an other boke that mr schether delyveryd I knew butt nott untyll he had delyveryd hytt : and whatt was contaynyd In hytt. I know butt lytyll.
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In the afterweke the boke was delyver unto doctor wyllyby : and with iii wekes after subscribyd. and uppon sayntt georges day mr parkhurst mr schether & I were In london with mr baker

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.