Plesith it your graciouse lordshipe to understand that unto the article wher it is said that the articles of Ridley & scory wer presented to your grace only Mr. parkurst & Mr. sentlenger have subscribed

Also what wer the woordes your grace first spake to serles for preching of ymages I remember not but he answerd that he hadd preched only that ymages wer not ydoles agaynst the which your grace obiected saing that imago and idolum was one: the one was the latyn & the other the greke. upon the which woordes gardener resoned that thei wer not one as I have befor writen to your grace.

Also I declared to your grace the morow after that your grace commaw nded us to make no envection that Sir bland was noted to prech new opynions as I hard it reported: And I remember not now how them that told it me but only the vicar of feversham. Also I hard gardener say that he shewd your grace by mooth the articles of ridley & scory: & Mr. parkurst & sentlenger said that thei presented them in writing but other knowledge I have not whether they shewd it to your grace or no.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.