25 Septembris 1543

Heresies detected and the detectours } n

Serles saide

Christe was nurrished with celestiall mylke / and not materiall


  • John Abby
  • Rauf post


  • John ffurner
  • Robert Burges
  • John Colyer
  • John Brewster
  • Richard Stokes
  • William Greneland
  • James Pyrryn

Thies personnes ar noted to be witnes of the Sermon made at Lenham the day of the Assumption of our Ladye


Die Ascentionis Domini 1541

Brandkirk Shether Joan Marden  Robert Colman

he saied there is none in heaven but Christ only

In Lent 1541

  • Gardiner
  • William Cockes

Only faithe Justifieth

The supper of the lord quod he

  • Parkhurst;
  • gardiner;
  • hunt;
  • milles

ys not hostia pro peccatis but hostia Laudis


In die penthecostes ultimo.

  • Cyriack petit
  • William hunt;
  • Shether


The holly gooste is neither in this place nor that &c.

ii. A list of heresies detected and the detectors.

25 Sept. 1543.Serles.

"Christ was nourished with celestial milk and not material." Nine witnesses named who heard the sermon at Leneham, the day of the Assumption of Our Lady. "

Die Ascensionis Domini, 1541.

"Scory. "He said there was none in heaven but Christ only." Four witnessesone of them is Shether. (2.)

In Lent 1541.

"Only faith justifieth" : Ws., Gardiner, Wm. Cockes. (3.) "The Supper of the Lord, quod he, is not hostia pro peccatis but hostia laudis. Ws., Parkhurst, Gardiner, Hunt, Milles.

In Die Pentecostes ultimo.

Drumme. "The Holy Ghost is neither in this place nor that, &c." Ws., Cyriack Petit, W. Hunt, Shether.