

before the ymage of sainct James which is the patron of your said churche contrary to the kinges graces Injunctions: whiche was untrue and doon of mallice as your vicar and other of thesam parrishe ar redy to depose / ffor of trouthe gratiouse lorde sithen the tyme that the kinges sent his said Injunctions and wer publisshed and declared all the good and honest parochianers will testifie and depoas apon their othe and honesties at all tymes that your grace shall call them before you / that there was neither light ne oblation doon ne maynteigned before thesaid ymage by any maner of persone or persones. In consultation wherof the said your parochians humbly beseche your grace of your goodnes to send your graces commaundement by your lettres or otherwise ( directed to thesaid your vicar or churche wardennes of thesam churche. to set thesame ymage up ayen in his tabernacle at the high aulters end there. as he hath ever stande tyme out of mynd. Unto your said Comissarye had that untrue informations / And all your said parochianers shall daily pray to god of the for the good preservacion of the kinges most noble state and your good lordship long to endure to his pleasure.

before the image of St. James, the patron saint of their church, against the King's injunctions; for since the injunctions, no such lights have been maintained. Beseech his Grace therefore to command the vicar and churchwardens to set the same image up again "in his tabernacle at the high altar's end," where he has ever stood time out of mind.