29 July Anno domini Regis



He saied That Christe and baptisme did nothing but washe awaye our originall synne; and if th any man after baptisme did fall / he must purchace remission of his synnes by pennance as Mary magdalen did,

  • Edmond brene;
  • John Crosse;
  • Thomas hollye;
  • William Trigall;
  • John Borden,
  • Thomas Menys;
  • Thomas Dibdale;
  • John Matson;
  • William kenerday;
  • William Morres;
  • ffraunces Vyriall;
  • John Seer

Hugh Cooper.

  • Richard Alcocke;
  • John Parker;
  • William hogges;
  • Robert ffoche;
  • John Bayly;
  • Walter Coffen;
  • George Sorel;
  • Petir Shorte.

He saied that neither Almes deedes fasting neither praiers dothe help the soule of man but faith oonly.

He that dothe trust to have any help by he prayer of any creature or persone that ever god made dothe committ Idolatry/ and dothe make hym an ydell which is contrary to the commaundement of god.

George Hardes.

James Hardes; testes unicus.

Is of the Saduce opinion denying the resurrection of Christe in his Manhode. Saying that he rose only in spirite

29 July.Shether. "That Christ and baptism did nothing [else] (fn. 32) but wash away our original sin, and if th[at] (fn. 33) any man after baptism did fall, he must purchase remission of his sins by penance as Mary Magdalene did." 12 witnesses. Hugh Cooper. That neither alms deeds, fasting nor prayer helped the soul of man, but faith only; that he that trusts to be helped by the prayer of any creature or person that ever God made doth commit idolatry. Eight witnesses. George Hardes "is of the Sadducee opinion, denying the resurrection of Christ in his manhood, saying, that He rose only in the Spirit." Jas. Hardes, only witness.