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I doo nott remember thatt I have herd any other communycatyon of mr mylles : scory : serles or Schether then I have beffore rehersyd savyng I commynyd with mr scory off late : And agryd with hym & he with me : thatt within owr selffe : whatt so ever schuld here after chawnce : In owr prechynges : we schuld commyn eche with other and never to use moo complaynttes.

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I trust in god thatt yowr grace : takythe nott the matter : as yowr Interragotary sowndythe : sz : thatt I have don any thyng a yenst myne othe : In good ffaygthe reverend ffather I mentt noo thyng lesse : ffor off thys I am assuryd : I am and have byn as lowgthe to breke an othe wyllyngly and avydsydly as any man levyng : whatt movyd me to have communycatyon with mr parkhurst : thys was the cheffe cause : In ii sondry sermons made In christ churche In Cantorbury off late : In whom the prechers Intretyd myche off Amon and Mardocheus : hytt was sayd : that as Amon made a scorge ffor mardocheus : and yett sufferyd hym selffe : so now a days men wentt a bowt to dysplese other : and now : the matter lyithe : In ther owne nekkes thys was the ffyrst motyve castyng ffere Into my hartt : musyng myche : whatt hytt schuld maene.

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The artycle off vi prechers : And the communycatyon bytwyxtt serles and yowr grace : off ymages : In the boke presentyd : I know to be trew off myne owne knowlege : thorowly : as ffor the other Artyclys presentyd : Into the handes off mr baker : I know nott all off myne owne knowlege : butt partly by myne owne know and partly by heryng say.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.