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Unto my lord wardens chaplen : I spake butt lytle : hys communycatyon was most with other men : Butt thys I sayde unto hym I pray yow : speke ffor me unto my lord yowr master ffor trewly : yff I were ons clere and uppon evyn grownd att lyberty I wold be ware : how I camme Into such a danger a gen : And thys grevythe me myche : In thatt : that I dyd nott ffyrst complayne complayne unto my lord myne ordynary : beffore thatt we dyd attemptt the matter any hygher : well thys don I trow I wylbe ware.

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With mr schether I had communycatyon In mr parkhurst gardyn lamentyng thys chawnce : off god desyryng to have an end : ffor we were wery off thys troble : In mynd never to be troblyd ffor lyke matter a gen : I askyd off hym : Thynke yow : that thend wylbe schortly he sayde : yea I thynke be ffore chrystmasse : I pray god hytt may sayd I : And soo : that my lord may take honor by hytt and we noo dyshonesty : I sayde Thynke yow that any grett troble wyll cumme unto us : Shether sayde : I cannot tell : I sayde : As plaesyth god so be hytt : I trust my lord wyll dryve all unto a good end ; I sayde : I thank god : I ffynd my lord good : soo doo I sayde schether : I am glad theroff sayde I : Then sayde schether : I wold the matter myghte be takyn upp a bove & ther an end made qwykly : well sayde I / as hytt plesythe them to order hytt. I wylbe contentyd : I dystrust nott my lord Off the boke delyveryd unto my lordes grace : I dyd wonder thatt hytt was nott delyveryd all thys tyme : I told hym that I dyd see hytt In hys chamber abowt thasumptyon tyme and then hytt was blottyd he sayde hytt was ther : butt wher hytt was now he cowd nott tell And styll we desyryd thatt In thend off thys matter : yowr grace myghte have honor and we noo dyshonesty : Thys was oftyn tymes rehersyd.

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