Ffor every one thatt hathe complaynyd on me : I trust to bryng VI to testyffye thatt my prechynges have byn accordyng unto godes lawys and the kynges : yff hytt plaese yowr grace to here them I dowt nott butt to bryng them : Then sayde yowr grace : I warrantt yow I wylnott be to hasty.

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I have had no communycatyon with none that hathe had dysplesur att thordynarys hand att any tyme : savyng ons mr schether and I dyd commyn : (long tyme past) thatt he sayde unto yowr grace : thatt he & serles : were blamyd ffor prechyng : and hytt was other thatt offendyd : And suche as had auctoryte ffor to preache : yowr grace dyd aske : how they were : he namyd the vycar off Ospryng : yowr grace sayde : he had auctoryte to preche Then sayde schether : And the contre a bowt wher he hath prechyd can testyffye : thatt he hathe nott prechyd well : yowr grace was gretly dysconted with hym : ffor hys so sayng : as he schewyd unto me : Also he sayde unto me : att hys returne from croydon ffrom yowr grace : thatt yowr grace wold be evyn with me schortly by cause I dyd reason with yowr grace In serles cause.

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Off doctor wyllyby. I herd no man speke butt all onely mr schether he sayde unto me thatt : wyllyby was a besy tungyd man and came oft unto canterbury with tales untrew : and oftyn tymys he made moo wordes uppon grett mennes mowthes then were trew. Then sayd I : ys thys hys confessyon : I herd say soo : sayde schether I sayde : unto hys owne parell be hytt : I pray god send hym as he hathe deservyd. I thanke god : I never had communycation with hym secretly : Butt yett I wold that I had never seyn hym.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.