Jehus christ

With any man thatt wold testyffyi ffor serles or schether. I have had no communycatyon : sethe I have byn att lyberty : butt emongst owr selvys we have oftyn tymes wyschyd thatt they mygthe be att lyberty so hytt were yowr gracyusse plaesure : with mr parkhurst I have had no maner communyca tyon : sethe I was att lyberty savyng one tyme : And thatt came by hys motyon : he askyd whatt dysplesure men had att thordynarys hand thatt complaynyd : I sayde every man knowghe hys owne greffe : my lord sayd unto me ons when he was nott contentyd : gardiner yow and yowr company doo hold me shortt I wyll hold you as schortt : Mr parkhurst sayde thatt he wold bynd uppon thes wordes : I sayde he schulde nott : ffor yff he dyd : he was nott my ffrend : nor I wold nott take hym ffor my ffrend : And I sayde yff he dyd : he dyd unto me hyge dysplesure & wold cause me to have grett hynderance : with mr mylles. I remember no communycatyon thatt I had savyng ons uppon the artycle off aurycyler confessyon maenyng no hurtt : noo busynesse : a yenst no person : butt Indyfferenttly dyd commyn off that matter : In the way off lernyng Att an other tyme : In dede he sayde unto me thatt beyng att bekesborne with my lord: he saw In hys off artyclys notyd mendacium : noo mans name namyd : and wherffor hytt was writen he cowd nott tell : ff treugthe he dyd nott schew.

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Att lambhyth xii monthes past & more when I was with yowr grace : yowr grace sayde unto me thatt I was complaynyd on ffor prechyng (and as yow were Infformyd) a sedytyusse sermon : I sayde unto yowr grace my lord Ther be In canterbury which wold putt me unto hynderance with a good wyll : Butt I trust yowr grace wyll beleve the treugthe

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