Ad 11m : 12m : 13m

I answere thatt I have noo knowlege off them nor never hadd.

Ad 14m

My lord I never was able : nor never dyrst say off myne owne knowlege : thatt the cowncell Imprisonyd serles : butt yowr grace told me : thatt the cowncell dyd soo : lyke wyse ffor the vi prechers : wheras I schuld have wrote : thatt yowr grace sayde : thatt the kynges plaesure was to have iii off the old and iii off the new : thorow hast : and unavysydly I wrott : that the kynges magesty was therwith plaesyd : when yowr grace : had schewyd unto hym : whatt yow had don In the matter : nott otherwyse thynkyng : butt thatt thes sayinges bothe were equivalentt : butt after with my selffe rememberyng the danger : thatt mygthe theron enseu levyng owt the very wordes off the artycle In dede : I putt them In writyng as my conscyence then movyd me to doo : evyn as they were In the arrtycle In dede : and sentt them unto yowr grace.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.