Item what wourde Mr bacar sent there from London by Serlis.


Item what boke it was that was last sent to doctour Willoughby by Shethers servaunt. What the matier thereof was/ and whan it was made and sent


Item wherefore they avised Shether to write to Doctour Willughby to gett hym out of the waye/ and to repaire to the Courte, or to some other of his freendis.


Item What Inditament that was whiche Parkhurst red one night at supper whan they talked of the cessions of the vi articles whos Indictament it was and where he had it


Item Whether Mr bacar saide to Parkehurst Gardiner and Shether whan they wer at London that there shulde be a Commission in kent shortelye


Item what names he wrote the sametyme to be in the commission


Item whither Mr Thwaites said as divers tymes to Parkhurst Gardiner and Shether or at the least to Parkhurst and Gardiner that they shuld still from tyme to tyme marke what was preached and say nothing but note it & send it to hym


Item at what tymes thesame was spoken. and whither he said it was maister bacars counsaill


Item how many bookes were del delivered to Petit


Item whether one booke was made wherin was this article That tharchbisshopp did say that he wold defende Scory and Ridles opinions


Item where that book is becom and what tyme it was made


Item whither Parkehurst and Gardiner have commoned with Petit that the Comissary / and other of evill opinions and dispisers of the laudable ceremonies. wold not have been so bold if they had not been comforted by lorde


Item whither they with Serlis and Shether have communed, Petit being present, that markcham stuarde to tharchebishop was abiured / and what knouledge Serles hath they have thereof


Item to whom they sent to procure that Tharchebishop of Canterbury shuld be no Commissioner, nor know the witnes. / and wherefore they so wrote or sent.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.