Interogatories ot Shether & other


Inprimis whither they presented unto Tharchebisshop of Canterbury the self same articles that be conteyned in the booke of complaint, or whither there be moo, or fewer, or some altred by addition of any wourdes


Item whither the witnes brought in did prove all thesaid Articles


Item whefore they left out iii of tharticles that before were presented


Item whither tharchebisshop of Canterbury did rebuke Serlis for that he preached that ymages might be permitted in the churche as representers of saintz and not Idolles.


Item whither that Tharchebisshop of Caunterburie did speake openlye before all the prebendaries and preachers there / and also openly in his Consistory / that the kinges pleasure was to have three preachers iii of the new lerning and iii of thold.


Item whither Serlis and Shether were accused by men whiche were noted by commen fame to be of evill opinion for preaching, and who they were that accused them.


Item whether the honest of their audience offred them selfis to testifie that they wer falsely accused / and that whiche was laide against them was not true. And althoughe they were a great nomber yet could thay not be admitted / and who they were that so offred themselfes And whether they offred theym selfes  Or serlis requirid them to be examyned, & cowde not have them admytted.


Item whither falce personnes men of evill fame for suspect opinions though they were, but twoo or three were admitted and by whom they were suspected And whether any obiection was made agaynst these suspecte persons bifore the Juges


Item whither they Serles and Shether were Innocent preachers / and so being Innocent were condempned, thone to prisone/ and thother to reade a declaration of false surmised articles and by whome thone was committed to prison


Item whether they that wold speake against evill opinions dare not, for if they doo, they be complayned on / and called sedituouse persones stiring the people to commotion / and by whome they be so called /



Item whither twoo ymages of Christ and twoo of our Ladye wherunto was neither oblation doon, nor any light standing were taken downe by Tharchebisshop pes commaundement, bothe by mouthe and by lettres / and what theffect of the kinges Lettres was./

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.