Item what daye and yere Gardener first shewid hym Shether the booke made againste tharchebisshop of Canterburye


Item whither the booke delyvered by Mr Bacar frome the kinge was the self same booke, that was after subscribed and delivered to Maister Bakar againe


Item why thie left not oute of the boke the communycacion betwene Gardener, and Tharchebisshop of Canterbury, as the bisshop of Wynchester required theym


Item where is that perfaite booke, whiche Mr Bakar tolde you that doctour London had made, and what Articles were therin


Item the booke last made, and sent to hym by his servaunte, where it ys, or the copie therof, and what was conteyned therin, And whan it was sent up to doctour willoughbie / And whan is was delivered to Petitt


Item, who gave hym this counsaile, that if he were examined he shoulde require to see authoritie frome the counsaile, before whome, the mattier ys knowne, before that he answered in yt/.


Item what Letters he sent to the bishopp of Wynchester by yong thatcher/.


Item What nottes did Gardiner write for hym./

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.