After that I hadd retoorned to canterbury coxton pety canon drew a nother book of certayn fawtors & berers contayning many articles uncertaynly conceved & not perfectly proved the which Mr parkurst Mr gardener I & other (but I remember not well who) sent up by my servant to Mr williby that he shuld show them to my lord of wynchester who sent it down agayn bicause it was unperfect. The which book Mr petit hard of and as he went to london he said he wold nedes have it with him to show to Mr baker And wheras I declared to him that it was unperfect & uncertain he said that he wold declare that to Mr baker by mooth & do no more but shew him the booke & send it agayn. but afterward he wrot a lettre to Mr gardener from london that he hadd delyverd the book to Mr baker. But what is done with it I can not tell. And this is all that I can call to remembrans in this matter syns the tyme that I was sworne & commawnded upon my allegians to declare the circumstans of this matter. 

By me Edmond shether

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.