Mr Napper

D. Thorden

At this our being at london Mr serles also sent me a lettre showing that he could not conveniently come to london in the which lettre he willed us that wer ther to called cause doctor thornden to be called befor the cownsell saing that Mr napper of oxon hadd told him that if ther said doctor thorndon wer called he wold tell a knavysh tall of my lordes grace / (as I thinke thes wer his termes) And in the same lettre he willed us 3 to repare to doctor london at silver strete / but we did not so but departed owt of london./.

And within little more then a weke after mr serles comming from oxon to canterbury said to me that he spake at londond with Mr baker who willed me to come to him And to bring the books formably drawn according as he willed me At the which message I merveled gretly & rode up to london to him carying with me the names of the witnes to every article shewing him that he willed me not at our departing to draw the booke in ony other manner of forme with the which answer he was contented./. And ther declaring to him that mr batterst of canterbury said in the tyme that trooble: In entreting of certayn articles of Sir bland & other: he said that it wer well done that one book wer maid of all such articles as wer detected & told me that doctor london hadd maid a perfecte booke & said that I shuld do well to declare to my lord of wynchester Mr batterstes woordes & Sir blandes article of missa non est sacrifitium pro peccatis Adding mor over that I shuld notte as diligently as I could the chefist fautoors & berers of erroneouse doctryn & marke ther names & so I departed from him./.

After this I went to my lord of wynchester & shewed him the witnes names of every articles & also of Mr batterstes woordes unto the which he said only he mused that Mr batterste wold so use him selfe. And I delyvered him Sir blandes bill subscribed with his hand concerning the article missa non est sacrificium etc. & he reserved the bill & so I left him And going to doctor london I shewd him the copie of the booke that we hadd delyvered to Mr baker the which he said he was gladd to se bicause of the witnes whos names he caused to copied owt And after he shewd me the manner of making of his book which was a gret thing & hadd articles I hadd not befor hard of. but I departed from hym & went home.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.