
Declareth unto your Mastershipe your orator Edmund Shether that I was present when doctor Ridley preched that auricular confession was but an humane institution and ordened as a goodly meyn only for the penytent to receve good cownsell of the prest./. Also I hard Mr Scory prech that such as praed in an unknown tong not perceving what thei said praed to ther damnation./. Also he preched the same tyme that in the primytive church wer used : praer, breking of bred & communite of all thinges of the which he said that the first two wer yet contynewed in the church of christ but the last he said he wold not speak of./. Also I hard him preach in S alphegges in canterbury that ther is none in heven but christ only which other of the articles I hard I do not remember.

Also on trinite sonday was twelve monethes when many the prebendaris & preachers wer present I hard my lordes grace say to master serles in resoning of the ymages in the church: that Imago & idolum is one thing for the one is the latyn and the other the grecke unto the which woordes Mr gardener said that he did not think that an ymage & an idole is one but that an ymage abused with honour not dew to it is an idole And an ymage that is not abused with honour is an ymage & not an idole./.

Also the same day my lordes grace said that he hadd sett in christechurch vi preachers 3 of the old lerning & 3 of the new & wheras master gardener said that he thowght not that to be for the most quietnes in preching my lord said that he hadd showd the kynges grace what he hadd done in that matter & that the kynges plesur was that it shuld be so.


M. Baker

Also my lordes grace commawnded the same day that none shuld envey aganst other in ther sermons And this is all I remember of thos articles And for me to say whein I think my lordes grace culpable in this or any other thing I can affirme nothing for I never poorposed any manner of persons reproffe but for asmuch as errours & evell opynions wer so much communed of and perceved that many articles wer disclosed owt of thes dioces towching Joanne barnes: Sir gilles of barram Sir turner: Sir Bland: bukmer: anthony parson & other: After that Mr baker had required me to say my mynd in the articles he poorposed & willed me to marke the chefist fawtours of new opynions as nihge as I could I did write such thinges as I did here to know what proffe could be of the same to the intent that so all contention of opynions might the rather ceise allwais so far as I might helpe & unite &quietnes contynew here as in other partes of this realme./.

By me Edmond Shether.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.