
mr Twaith Thawtes

I doo remember thatt att sondry tymes mr Thawyttes sayde unto me mr parkhurst : and I thynk lykewyse unto mr Schether thatt we shuld styll from tyme unto tyme marke whatt was prechyd : An say noo thyng butt note hytt : And nott dowt butt ther wold be remedy ffor hytt : And he sayde. thatt / thys was Mr Bakers cowncell : we schuld soo doo : : And now. I doo perceyve thatt. I And I thynke other lykewyse : wyche markyd : and were thus anymatt and sett a worke :

were butt Instrumenta malorum : yow mr parkhurst & mr schether

Off thys examyn

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.