
D. willoughby


I doo well remember now : thatt att a tyme walkyng In the  gardyn off mr parkhurst : and communyng with doctor wyllyby : thys doctor wyllyby spake off a commyssyon and sayde : thatt ther shuld be one schortly sentt downe Into kentt : ffor A refformatyon : Butt off whom he had lernyd thatt : In good ffaygthe. I know nott : : And emonght the commyssyoners he namyd mr parkhurst mr mylles and me.

mr Baker



I doo also now remember thatt when mr parkhurst mr Schether And I william Gardiner : were att london : with mr Baker : Thys mr Baker : sayde unto us (who movyd hym to have suche communycatyon I remember nott) thatt ther shuld be a commyssyon Into kentt shortly : And we standyng be ffore hym In ys study :/ he take papyr pen & ynk : And notyd the namys of thos : whom he thowgthe most metyst to be In commyssyon he wrott (As I doo remember) unto the number off XIII persons XII off them gentylmen : And one prest : mr off maydstone.

Mr Baker


I doo well remember thatt mr parkhurst mr Schether and I : standyng be ffore hym mr baker In hys howsse att london : mr baker dyd wyll us thatt when we came home : we schuld contynewally gather and collectt : to gyther : Abusys : so many : as we could gett : ffrom tyme unto tyme : and lett hym have them : . mr parkhurst and mr Schether I thynke doo remember thys.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.