Most honorable prelate dew commendacyons premysyd, thes be to geve thankes unto yowr grace ffor thatt : thatt yow dyd yesterday so ffavorably use me : sendyng ffor me unto yowr presence. whom I thoughte thatt. I schuld never (pensyffenesse lay so sore att my hartt) have seyn yow a gen : And emongst all yowr communycatyon thatt yowr grace had unto me : I notyd thes wordes off hyghe conffortt : yowr grace dyd note : thatt I dyd call yow ffather In my writynges : yow sayde unto me yesterday : yow call me ffather : In good ffaygthe. I wylbe A ffather unto yow In dede : Wordes off hyghe conffortt unto me : : Besydes thys most honorable lord : you promysyd thatt I schuld have a boke off all Artyclys layde yn a yenst me to make Answere unto them : I beseche yowr grace thatt I may so have : ffor ther ys no thyng. thatt I have don or know to be don : butt yff I can call hytt Into remembrawnce. I wyll trewly opyn hytt : God prosper yowr grace :

By yowrs : And ever schalbe : William gardner

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