matters In good ffaygthe I know nott : In communycatyon (as mr schethers servantt dyd tell me) thys fford sayde thatt my lorde chawnceller. schortly : wold or schuld (whether off bothe he sayde : In good ffaygthe. I doo nott remember owt off hys offyce schortly. And thatt mr Baker schuld have hytt : In departyng thys fford wyllyd mr schethers servantt : to wyll hys brother that he never recantt : ffor yff he dyd : we wold never be hys ffrend whyls he levyd : nor none schuld thatt he cowld lett : he sayde thatt he wold cause thatt my lord off wynchester schuld nott be hys ffrend :

Cyriac Petitt

WithIn thes iii wekes besydes byschopp warhams Tombe : In christes churche. I schewyd Cyryacc petytt thys matter : by cause I know well : hytt wold rejoyce hym : to here good towardes hys master Baker : Butt he wold nott beleve hytt : All other thynges In the answere : he beleft : and thowght to be trew : or mygthe be trew : Att thatt tyme the servantt off mr Schethers wrote a lettre off v or vi lynes: Cyryacc petytt dyd see the lettre : and herd hytt redd : hytt breffly contaynyd the answere thatt he browghte ffrom my lord: and ffrom the ffore namyd fford The servantt had the lettre a gen : he sayde thatt he wold delyver hytt unto mr Schether hys master : whether he soo dyd or noo : I am not able to say : Master Copyn alderman within thes iiii wekes : metyng me In the churche

Coppyn late maier

dyd commyn with me : and sayde. I have byn with my lordes grace And I wold nott butt thatt I had byn ther : ffor now I doo know thatt I knew nott beffore : And I dare well say : my lord ys as sory ffor thys hoorle : as any man ys In ynglond : And wold thatt all were well : Att my cummyng my lord dyd byd me welcume : and sayde he was desyrusse to speke with me : And desyryd off me to know : whatt was the cause (as I thowghte) off thys hoorle : And thatt knowne whatt remedy to caese hytt : I sayde thatt I wold schew unto hys grace : so nere as I cowde : Also a remedy : ffor hytt : Butt whatt he told my lord : he wold nott tell unto me : Butt thus he sayde : I told my lord my mynd : And he thankyd me hartely ffor hytt : and I told hym noo thyng butt trewgthe : And by owr lady : he dyd can me good thanke ffor hytt : And them I requyre (?)

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.