then I with other schuld abyde the uttermost : Thys fferyng. I desyryd hys lordshypp yff remedy mygthe be : thatt we mygthe (yff nede wer have lyberty to apele : I wrote also thatt I was examynyd beffore doctor cokkes ffor the boke delyveryd unto the cowncell : And my answere was thys. thatt I was with the cowncell att london : butt whatt I saw ther : whatt I sayde ther : and whatt was sayde unto me : I dyrst nott dysclose : unlesse the cowncell wold have me to dysclose :. I desyryd hym also thatt yff I had nede : thatt he wold so labor and doo ffor us : thatt ffor owr trewgth we mygthe nott be undon.

My lordes answere nott by lettres : butt by mowgthe sentt by mr Schethers servantt : nott unto me / as by the wordes hytt dothe apere : but rather made unto master schether.

When my lord had redd my lettres (as the servantt sayde) he askyd : whoo browgthe thes lettres : The servantt sayde : I : my lord then wentt a way. and as the servantt supposyd) Into the cowncell chamber. when came fforthe: The servantt requyryd hys plaesure : he sayde : have me : commendyd unto yowr master : The servantt desyryd hys lordshypp to have sume conffortable answere off hym : my lord sayde : I can make yow noo answere (as yett) The nextt day or II dayis after : when the servantt came a gen ffor hys answere my lord : sayde unto hym : yowr master semythe to be a chyld : he weptt be ffore my lord when he schuld have answeryd : Byd hym nott wepe ffor schame : but answere lyke a man : wyll he be a chyld now : lett hym take a good hartt unto hym : yff he have nede : he schall ffynd ffrendes : Then sayde the servantt : I pray yowr lordschypp be good unto hym : my lord sayde : have me commendyd : unto hym : I wylnott fforgett : hym : and doo as myche ffor hym as I can : I must know off the cowncell : what I schall doo : I warrantt yow. I wylnott fforgott hym : have me commendyd also unto the prebendarys : he namyd none & so dymy- ssyd the servant :


Ther stode one by brother In law unto mr Schether : whoys name ys fforde And my lord departyd he had communycatyon with mr schethers servantt : off whatt

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.