well enoughe : And when yow doo here any man preche other wyse then well : hold yow contentyd and medyll nott : so schall yow doo best Then came a powr man unto hym : brother unto mr huntt : which huntt when was then In the fflete : Thys powr man made petytyon unto hym ffor hys brother : my lord sayde : I have byn long owt off ynglond : I here off yowr brother : butt I know nott the matter : Be yow off good conffortt : I trust he schall doo well : And I wyll doo soo myche good ffor hym : as I may : Then he passyd fforthe the tyme In communyca- tyon concernyng owr ordynawnces : In the qwyre : Owr statutes : Owr massys And howres off them :. And soo att the last : he sentt ffor mr Rydley prebendary : Whatt he sayde unto hym. I know nott : Thys ys the trougthe uppon my conscyence.

When mr Serles : mr Schether : And mr Scory were In Indurawnce I wrote unto my lord off wynchester In thys wyse : As nyghe as I can remember my lordes grace hathe prisonyd mr Serles mr Schether & mr scory : As ffor mr Serles & mr schether : the honesty off ther audyence wyll : and doo testyffye ffor them : And so ffarr as I can here : In the contree also wher they have prechyd ther audyence wyll testyffye thatt they ar In most partt wrongffully accusyd : And the honest men off the towne have all redy sentt In ther testymonyall : ffor to declare them and us prebendarys : so ffarr as ever they herd : to preche godly & quyetly They were assygnyd to make ther answere be ffore my lordes grace : att a day apoyntyd : when ther day came to make answere : they fferyng my lordes Justyce refusyd to make answere : butt dyd apele : And soo nott answeryng : nother ther apellatyon admyttyd : they were commyttyd unto ward a gen : honest substantyall men offeryd to bayle them as then. they cowld nott be bayld : I wrote also thatt I was lykewyse accusyd ffor my prechyng : butt I thankyd god : ffor noo poyntt off heresy butt as I dyd perceyve : hytt was onely ffor brablyng matters : howbey I fferyd myche : thatt yff my lordes grace dyd stopp owr appelatyons that

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.