When my lord off wynchester returnyd ffrom the cowncell by yond the seys : he herd masse In Christes churche In canterbury : masse don : he take me by the hand : and askyd how I dyd : & ffurther he askyd how they dyd In Canterbury : Thys questyon was concernyng the quyetnesse off Christes relygyon : I answeryd sayng : ffor sothe my lord but metely :: how doo yow within the howse emongst yowr selffe. I sayde : ffor sothe my lord In prechyng sumtymes we doo nott agree all : Soo doo I here : sayde he : Whatt ys thatt : thatt yow doo nott A gree In : I then rehersyd mr Rydleys prechynges And mr Scorys partly : he sufferyd me to reherse untyll I came unto thatt poyntt : thatt prayer owgthe to be made In a tung knowne : and nott In a tung unknowne : ffor soo hytt were but bablyng : my lord sayd : ther he myssyd : ffor the  germans them selffe : Ar now a yenst thatt saynges : Well sayde my lord thys ys nott well : my lord off Canterbury wyll loke on thys I dowt nott : or els : suche prechyng will growe unto an evyll Inconvenyence : I know well : he wyll see remedy ffor hytt :. Well how doo yow with them :. I sayde : my lord hardly I am myche markyd In my sermons. And I cannott tell : Whether I be takyn or noo: I pray yowr good lordschypp off yowr cowncell whatt were best : ffor me to doo : . I had rather leve prechyng : by tymys : then to be takyn In my sermon : Then sayde my lord : Doo thus : wryte yowr sermon Into a boke every word : as yow wyll preche hytt : And when yow goo Into the pulpytt : delyver yowr boke unto the cheffyst man ther : thatt can rede : and lett hym take hede off yowr boke : whyle yow doo preche : And say noo more : butt thatt yow have writyn : And studyd ffor : And I warrantt : yow schall doo

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