off hym why hys grace dyd so hardly bere me In tymes past : he sayde : yow were complaynyd on unto me by a certen person : and thatt a tale was browghte unto hym a yenst me : Then sayde I : my lord I wyll declare the tale and the person unto yowr grace : thatt made the tale : And so I dyd And now all ys well. I thanke god : and so well : thatt my lordes grace wyllyd me to resortt unto hym boldly : and so schall I doo by my ffaygthe : ffurther more mr Copyn sayde : By my trowgthe I dare say : my lord ys noo berar In thes matters : They be other ewysse sayde mr copyn : And namyd none : butt keptt all secrette ffrom me : glad thatt he was In soche ffavor with my lorde : And so departyd ffrom me.


My lord : yff thatt Syr John Baker knythe had nott sentt ffor us unto london : And Incoragyd us by thes wordes : ffere no man : butt god and the kyng : And the kynges hygnesse wyllythe yow to ffere none butt hym : We wold never attemptyd so ffarr In the matter as we have don : And besydes thatt he wyllyd us to resortt untomy lord off wynchesterwher as also we perceyvyd noo reproche unto ys gevyn ffor owr dede : ffor yff by any off thes or any other off the cowncell we had byn rebukyd ffor owr doynges (as I wold we had) And the danger schewyd unto us : wheroff we had noo knowlege : ffor my partt I say off my conscyence. I wold have gon home a gen nott medlyng : Wherffor my good ffather (Althowghe I drew ii off the Artyclys presentyd (and noo moo as god schall save me) I can doo noo lesse then to blame them or hym thatt sentt ffor us : thatt with wordes beffore rehersyd dyd Incorage us : wich were ignorantt off the danger off the ffacte : And dyd nott rather reprove us : sayng thatt they or he had knowlege off the danger And nott wee : Gentyll ffather ponder myne ignorawnce : and as yow have promysyd fforgeve unto me my trespasse

mr Twaites

I remember thatt att certen tymys : I wrote certen artyclys : suche (as men sayde) they ffownd them selffe grevyd with : And toke ther handes or sygnes unto the artyclys : I beseche yowr grace : blame nott me ffor hytt : butt mr Thwaytes wich soo to doo movyd mr parkhurst and me : : mr thwaytes

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.