

and coppie all in on & sette ther hondes to them & master gardener to syne for hym selffe & serlys to bot I had colde get noder wryttyng nor syne & so I went uppe agane & tolde london of hit with ahewe hart then master london tolde me that I scholde tell master moylle that the consell sayde to hym that the justyssys of evere scher wolde be schent that seche thynges scholde be odermodert & not browght to knollege for hyffe evere justys had done his dewte acordyng to the kyns




In junccions seche In normytes nede not to abene & I tolde master moylle & master thwattes bothe what I harde ther in of london also master london come to master sir moylles logyng on day & talkyd with hym his mynde as may forton he hathe better in Remembrance then I for bot then I harde hym tell master moylle how he toke up my lorde of canterbe before the consell then the nexte day efter I come to master moylle agane & be casse he harde that the consell scholde say so & also had oder comandement for his dyscharge sent serten letters to master thwates master water moylle master grene & master norton to serche owte any prest that lakyd acrowne with seche artekelles as the contre Romerde of wher apon eche of them sent up some & then the prebenders wrot up apace & master moylle browght all that come to his honde to my lorde of canterbere & ther with


master london was angere & sayde he wolde mar all then I went downe in to Kent agane & browght upe the artekylles wher in was mater agane my lorde of cantorbere & Resavyd them of master gardener opon god fryda or ester even & master schether copyde them agane weche artekylles thay prayde


Shether n

me to care to my lorde of venchester & kepte hit & lytt docter london  se hit & he cassyd me to sende hit downe to be synyd with the honde of them & so I dyd & kepyd the coppie & then when I had hit synyd I kepe hit styll tyll ther comyng & thay toke hit of me & caryd hit to the

London n

my L. of wy.

Mr. Baker

consell them selves & docter london had acoppie of them or else before & thay tolde me tha had grete comforde of my lorde of venchester & of master baker both also docter london browght me by comandement of myne alegence to go with hym to the consell chamer dore menyng to have me In before the consell bot he went in & tolde them of my beyng ther gevyng me


this lesson that I scholde saye my lordes all: hit is so that the kyng mageste & his honerabbyll consell hathe bene at gret chargys & takyn gret panes to set agood & agodly way emong us & for all that in kent with us we have the moste enorme heresys that may be & be


cause I harde of this gracius tydynges that his well & plesur his that evere man in pane of his alegence to breng In what he knowthe or else here after we knew & wolde not speke hit owre damege wolde be them & becasse of this I come for my dyscharge to schew this

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.