bot I come not in nor spake with none ther bessenes was so meche


also the nexte day efter docter london caryd me to my lorde preve selles chamer & the artekylles with us bot he had nolaser to se them


also the nexte day efter that I had bene with my lorde prevesell docter london caryd me to my lorde of venchester & ther he was caryd in to my lordes


secret chamer & taryd ther anowre & had his artykylles new copyde with hym & the nexte day in the mornig be tyme I went ther to speke with my lorde of venchester my sellffe & dyd speke with hym & prayde hym that the artykylles that master london browght scholde not be pot



up in my name for I knew not the mater bot in the names of them at sent them & he sayde he wolde and anoder tyme I come to my lorde of wynchester & browght a Rolle from masterlondon & then I prayde hym agane that he wolde not pot them uppe in my name & had hym Recomendyd



from master gardener that he wolde be good lorde to hym for of adsion a benifys for he had taken gret pane in this maters bot he made me no promas & also my lorde of wenchester bad me not fere to do my dewte & the mater were not to be byd by the doer scholde bere the blame & not the presenter hit his all owre dewtys to stande In seche thynges as his contrare to the kynges In junccyons & here his all that ever I dyd in this mater at I can Remember & all the consell that ever I come before In this matter or any oder bot thus by the comfortyng


In this mater of my lorde of venchester & docter london threttnyges I have browght my selffe in gret danger with oder mense maters & notheng of my selffe that I can oder say or prove  nor never dyd bot bessyd my selffe with oder mense maters artekylles yett had I never done hit & london had not bene that thret me to be no trew subjecte woo worthe them bothe he & serlys for by ther false Invensyons I have schamyd hyffe ther artykelles be false ponysthe the In venter with schame for schamefull maters & mane hathe bene gederde ending them Also master london comandyng bothe serlys & me that in onewysse we scholde gett as meche mater as colde be devysyd for hit scholde be the godlyhist dede & the most bowndon dewte to owre prince that ever we dyd

Shetheres servaunt


also master schether sent his man to me of sonday be fore alsolve day byddyng me in any wysse not to be knowne of no thyng for tha had otterde notheng them selves & that I scholde go to his broder parson & I schold know more for he was sworne not to wrytt to me bot he had wryttyd to his broder all his mynde & of hym I scholde know all for master

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.