Dr. Willoughby







Master Serles many tymes resortyd home to me & sayll lay apon me to pot uppe artekylles thatt he & thay scholde devysse becasse I was the kynges grace chaplane wher upon I grantyd so thay moost be proveabyll & trew. And so hit fortonyd in passion weke he & I of fryday in the same weke Rode to london & of satterday he had be with docter london & pot up his artekylles notheng to my knollege that he had any and promasyng hym that he wolde pot them upe hym selffe & on palme sonday In the mornig he sent for me & prayde me to go with hym to master london & so I dyd and ther woo worthe them bothe london & serlys whoo is ordenyd to cawse meche trobyll had tolde london that I wolde pot uppe the artekylles & he askyd me the qwestion & I bad hym Rede them for I never saw them before nor knew wher they were trew or false & so I tolde hym & serlys sayde ye know hit is oponly spoken & I sayde thoff I here seche thynges I have not saye thay be trew & allso here his no Recorde to afferme them trew weche me thynkys his were Row mater knowyng noder parte nor Recorde and ther for seyng serlys hathe pot them to you let hym present them hym selffe then master london sayde I have schoyde them to part of the consell all rede & chede fore with serlys sayng that he wolde schow the trewthe whoo browtt them then sayde docter london to me pot ye them upp knowyng seche schamefull artekylles presentyd here before your owne face hit schall be harde for you to byde the danger here of knovyng the kynges plesur his to have hit soo and also fere not for I have set seche aspectakyll before you at wensor In bryngyng to leght abomynabyll herysys at the weche the kynges majeste was astonde & wonder angre both with the doers & beres bererse & ther for & ye schrynke here in ye schall schow your selffe not to be the kynges trew sobjecte ther for seyng ye be his chapplane ye dyd hym never seche servis as ye may do here in to present them for your dyscharge for now ye schalle not be Rede of them & ye wolde & with thys thretnyng I fere I was content and so docter london wrott them new & addyd to them at his plesur wher with bothe serles & I wer wexyd / menyng as he sayde to breng the mater in to the justissys honde & sertane of the sprituallte whos naymes serles resyttyd at his Request sayng to us that hit scholde never be knouen to be our doyng & so I was fane to take the olde coppe with me Into Kent to get them Recordytt & he sent his coppe to my lorde of winchester and so when I come downe Into kent Remembryng this artekylles to be put upp in my name & noder had Recorde nor knew them to be trew I come to the prebentes of cryst cherche & browght with me the artekylles beyng all of serlys hande & gredreng of hym & them emong them selves & bad me asche for on salsbere that had the Keye of his chamer for sertain oder wrytyng

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.