to this deponent, that the said Bland, saied the said wourdes erroniously and feloniously, Or the he said wourdes to the entent to teache the audience, that Auriculer confession was not expedient and necessarie to be reteyned, contynued used, and frequentid in the churche of Christe, Or els that this deponent put the said wourdes into the Inditment of his awn mynde, or by the instruction or motion of any other


Item whither this deponent did drawe the Inditmentes of Sir Richard Turner, Or whither those persons that gave informacion to this deponent, That Sir Richard Turnour in his sermon saied, that Christe was the sowle preiste and song the last masse of requiem, and that there was none other masse, that prevailed the Sowles that is departid gave also informacion to this deponent, that he spake the said wourdes erroniously and in contempte of the kinges lawes and statutes, Or whither this deponent added the same wourdes of his awn mynde, or by the instruction or motion of any other


Item Whither those persons that gave informacion to this deponent that Sir Richard Turnour in his sermon, said that if there were as many preistes as there be stereis in the sky and grassis growing on the grounde, and if thei saied as many Massis as there be droppis of water in the sea the same prevailed nothing the soule departid. gave also informacion to the said deponent, that the said Turnour coveited therby to teache the people that harde hym, that private masses were not lawdable, nor ought not to be celebrate, hadd / or

added that he said so erroneously and feloniously, to teach the audience that it was not expedient, or whether deponent put this into the indictment of his own mind, &c. 7. Whether he drew the indictments of Sir Richard Turner, or whether those who accused Sir Richard of saying in his sermon that Christ was the soul priest and sung the last mass of requiem, and no other mass availed souls departed, added that he said so erroneously in contempt of the King's laws, or whether deponent added this of his own mind, &c. 8. Whether those who informed against Turnour for saying that if there were as many priests as stars in the sky and grasses growing on the ground, and if they said as many masses as there were drops of water in the sea, "the same prevailed nothing the soul departed," added that he meant to teach the people that private masses ought not to be celebrated,