used, Or that the said Turnour spake the same wourdes in dispite of private Masses, Or that the said Turnour spake the same wourdes in dispite were framed into the inditement by this deponent of his awn mynde


Whither, there were not a maide of Benenden Indicted for wourdes spoken againste the sacrament of the Altare at a Sessions holden at the Castell of Canterburye aboute iii yeres paste


Item who gave evidence apon her arraynement wherapon she was founde gyltie


Item whither any other besides you gave any evidence apon her said arraynemente, And whither the evidence that you gave, were of your awn knowledge, or by reporte of other /


Item whither at such tyme as the Jurie of the hundred of ffylborowe were sworne, at the said Sessions, you sware theym, that appered orderly as thei stode in the panell Or that you overlept any of theym that apperid, and lefte theym unsworne, and why you so did


Item what communicacion ye had before the said Sessions with any person or persons concernyng such persons, as shoulde be sworne at the said Sessions, and what the communicacion was, and where and with whome


Item what communicacion you hadd before the said Sessions with any persons or persons, concernyng the Inditement, of any person or persons at the said Sessions, And where and with whome the said communicacion was / Or whither you had any forme of Inditementes given you, and by whome, and where, or any Instructions concernyng the same /


Item what communicacion you had with Mr. Thwaites at home at his house or elswhere alitle before the Sessions of the vi Articles, and who was then and ther present

or this was put into the indictment by him. 9. Whether there was not a maid of Benenden indicted at a sessions at Canterbury castle about three years past for words against the Sacrament of the Altar. 10. Who gave evidence upon her arraignment whereon she was found guilty? 11. Whether any other besides you gave evidence upon it, and whether the evidence you gave were upon your own knowledge or report of others. 12. Whether when the jury of the hundred of Fylborowe were sworn at the said sessions you sware them that appeared orderly as they stood in the panel, or you overleapt any of them, and why. 13. What communication you had beforehand, and where, and with whom, concerning such persons as should be sworn at the said sessions. 14. What communication you had beforehand with any person concerning the indictments at that sessions, or whether you had any form of indictments given you, and by whom, &c. 15. What communication you had with Mr. Thwaites at home at his house or elsewhere a little before the Sessions of the Six Articles, and who was present?