masse also, gave also informacion to this deponent that the saied Blande saied the said wordes conteinyng or depraving, the Masse, or of the sacrament of the Aulter or in dispite therof, Or els that this deponent put the said wourdes into the inditement, of his awn mynde or by the instruction or motion of any other


Item whither those persons, thay that gave informacion to this deponent, that the said Blande in his sermon saied, that it was not convenient, nor necessarye, that men shoulde, confesse thair synnes particularly, but that it was sufficient to saye, I am a synner, and have offendid in thought dede and wourde, gave also informacion to this deponent, that the saied blande saied the said wordes erroniously and feloniously, or that he tawght therby that auricular confession were not expedient and necessarie to be retaynyd / contynued, used / and frequent in the churche of christe, Or els that this deponent put the said wourdes into the Inditement of his awn mynd or by the instruction or motion of any other /


Item whither those persons that gave informacion to this deponent that the said Blande in his sermon saied, That As for auricular confession, I coulde never finde it in Scripture nor in the lawe of god, And seyng therfore, it is neither in scripture, nor in the lawe of god, I mervaile why it is used, seing it hath ben so often put down, and so many inconveniences ensued therof, gave also informacion

(NOTE: Summarized) mass also, added that he said so to deprave the mass, or deponent put this into the indictment of his own mind, &c. 5. Whether those who accused him of saying that confession of particular sins was not necessary, but it was sufficient to say "I am a sinner and have offended in thought, deed and word," informed deponent also that he said so erroneously and feloniously, or taught thereby that auricular confession was not expedient or necessary to be retained, or whether deponent put this into the indictment of his own mind, &c. 6. Whether those who accused him of saying he could never find auricular confession in Scripture or in the law of God, and he marvelled why it was used, seeing it had been so often put down and so many inconveniences ensued thereof,