John Castelen


John Castelen for sale of ymages not abused as our Ladie S. Anne,



George wyborne did hedde and quarter S Stephen and also burned hym

The curate and suche other as he can name

Chapman of Appuldore


John Chapman of Appuldore said that henry geldyng and other honest men ther caused hym to committe Idolatry because he did crepe the crosse, more for company than for devocion

He repugneth againste the lightes of the crosse beame

Testes qui supra unacum

  • henry Goldyng
  • John Castelyn
  • John Cresham
  • Tho. Standen
  • Edward browghton


22 Septembris 1543

Swan vicar of Sheldewyche


He preachid to his parisshioners aboute xii moneths past, Christe did not dye, neither for you nor for me nor your ffathers / nor my ffathers but for the ffathers of tholde Lawe, And lefte us, to be saved for by our workes /

John Thatcher yonger


John Thatcher on Candelmas even was xii moneth tolde unto one Starkey a barbour of Canterbury, that the bible was made by the devill

n he said that my lorde of Cantorbery was a mayntener of heretikes. ffysh of Canturbery.

22 Septembris 1543

Norton vicar of ffeversham


In lent laste he dissuaded his parisshioners from eatyng of white meate and rebuked theym that did eat contrary to the kinges licence

"John Castelen for sale of images not abused, as Our Lady, St. Anne." "George Wyborne did head and quarter St. Stephen, and also burned him." "John Chapman of Appuldore said that Henry Geldyng and other honest men there caused him to commit idolatry, because he did creep to the Cross more for company than for devotion.""He repugneth against the lights of the Crossbeam." 22 Sept. 1543.Swan, vicar of Sheldewyche, preached to his parishioners about twelve months past "Christ did not die, neither for you nor for me, nor your fathers nor my fathers, but for the fathers of the old law, and left us to be saved by our works." John Thatcher, younger, "on Candlemas Even was Twelve-month told unto one Starkey, a barber of Canterbury, that the Bible was made by the Devil."Added by Cr. : "He said that my lord of Canterbury was a maintainer of heretics.[Witness] Fysh of Canterbury." 22 Sept. 1543.Norton, vicar of Feversham, in Lent last dissuaded his parishioners from eating white meat, and rebuked them that did eat, contrary to the King's licence.