Item he reportid repentid hymself that ever he did somoche almes and good deades for his fathers soule and caused to be don


  • Thomas Gybbes
  • william a mounte
  • Nicolas Soole
  • Richard Aforde
  • John Raynolde
  • Alexander langeley


  • walter page Arnolde Drumky
  • peter Julpet Tho. philpot
  • hamod Bromele

22 Septembris 1543

Humfray Cotton preiste;

He said that there be heresies in the Bible



Item he said that every christen man being regenerat by the sacrament of Baptisme and holpen by the grace of god ys in as full state of free will, as Adam was before his fall


Item opon good friday last past the collett for the Bisshope of Rome was remaynge in his masse booke, with this worde papa. Item he hath a boke of prophecyes

26 Septembris 1543

The parson of Witchelyng

Thomas Cawby parson of wicheling said openly in a generall kepte at Tonge for the deanery of Sytyngborne at dyner, That he said no matens theis iiii or v yeres, which wourdes ar offensive to many persons both spirituall and temporall

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23 Septembris 1543.

John Riche;

fastynge dayes

He denyeth that god did never make fasting daies Item that the Imberyng daies were made by the Intercession of one Emme the bisshop of Romes Concubyne and therfor he will not fast theym nor none other / Wytnes henry Austen. T. Johnson.

He repented that ever he did so much good deeds for his father's soul. 22 Sept. 1543.Humfray Cotton, priest, "said there be heresies in the Bible" and "that every Christian man being regenerate by the Sacrament of baptism and holpen by the Grace of God is in as full state of free will as Adam was before his fall. (Cr. interlines : "Upon Good Friday last the collect for the Bishop of Rome was remaining in his Mass book, with this word Papa.") He has a book of prophecies. 26 Sept. 1543."Thomas Cawby, parson of Wicheling, said openly in a general (sic) kept at Tonge for the deanery of Sittingbourne at dinner that he said no matins these four or five years; which words are offensive to many persons, both spiritual and temporal." 23 Sept. 1543.John Riche denies that God ever made fasting days. "Item, that the Imberyng days were made by the intercession of one Emme, the Bishop of Rome's concubine, and therefore he will not fast them, nor none other."