
Item he hath taken away oute of the churche the bible contrary to the kynges Injunctions and proclamations

holy water

Item he badde one yong wiffe to take holy water and other sorcery for the pyles

22 Septembris

Mr. drumme


Mr. Drumme preacher of Canterbury, preachid on Witesonday last, that ymages were dangerously permitted in the churche allegyng the texte deuteronomi quarto, Ne errore decepti adoremus et colamus ea,  william hunt, Edmunde Shether, Siriaac petite be witnes

Also that thei whiche went about to take awaye the reading of the bible, did even go about to plucke Christes wourde and the holy goste frome the people as the bisshop of Rome hath don in tyme past, which by restraynyng the people frome reading the bible toke firste an occasion by that meane of his usurped powre Witnes Syriaac petite. Edmonde Shether

Also the same daye he said that the holie goste was neither in this place nor that as Christ was never in Italy, nor never spake of Italy / But if thou wilte have the holie goste, said he, seke hym in his worde and in thy harte, Witnes Cyriaac petite, William hunt Edmonde Shether

Mr. Scorye


About Christmas last whan there was generall procession commanded by the kinges majestie Mr Scorye preacher of Christes in Canterbury said theis wordes / every country hath a custume to chouse a pryvate patron as England hath chosen S. George, Scotelande S Andrewe, thinkyng the rather by the Intercession of Saintes, to obteyne the victory of thair enemyes, but

He has taken away the Bible out of the church, contrary to the King's injunctions. He bade one Young wife take holy water and other sorcery for the piles. 22 Sept.Mr. Drumme, preacher of Canterbury, preached on Whitsunday last that images were dangerously permitted in the church, alleging Deut. iv "Ne errore decepti adoremus et colamus ea; also "that they which went about to take away the reading of the Bible did even go about to pluck Christ's words and the Holy Ghost's from the people, as the Bishop of Rome hath done in time past; which, by restraining the people from reading the Bible, took first an occasion by that mean of his usurped power," Also that the Holy Ghost was neither in this or that, &c. (see above). Mr. Scorye. "About Christmas last when there was a general procession commanded by the King, Mr. Scorye, preacher of Christ's [church] in Canterbury, said these words : Every country hath a custom to choose a private patron, as England hath chosen St. George," &c. (see p. 305).