The wordes your grace had to me Arthur seintleger at feversam

your grace demaundyd of me Iff I was at home on palmyssondaye I shewyng your grace I was at my benyfyce / than your grace declaryd ther of the processyon done the same sondaye at crystyschyrche, after the declaracyon of that /  your grace saying these wordes ye be ther knyte in a bounde amonst yow wyche I wyll breke & then your grace sayd to me a mr senteleger I had in you & mr Parhust a good iuggement & specyally in you but ye wyll not leve your olde mumsemundes but I wylle make you to leve them or els I wyll make ye to repente yt / then I sayng to your grace I truste we use no munsemundes but those that be consonant to the laves of  god & owre prynce / & I than desyryng your grace to be good unto us

By me Arthur sentleger

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.