p. 348
Unto thys Interrogatory : whether I have had : or herd communycacyon off mylles : scory : serles and schether
Now I remember I dyd commyn with mr parkhurst off scory sayng I wysh noo wytnesse a yenst scory : ffor yff I may wylbe exceptyd And so I thynke I may : ffor as myche as I am yett now In troble and nott clere my selffe : And hensfforth I wyll make an othe ; thatt whyls I leve a gen I wyll never be wytnes a yenst any man : nor accuse any man : And I trust thatt I wyll so use my selffe : thatt I wyll never deserve to be accusyd : Then sayde mr Parkhurst : I pray yow speke unto hym thatt he doo exceptt me also.
Att an other tyme I perceyvyng mr parkhurst very sadd : sayde unto hym why yow mery mr parkhurst : I trust : yow shall have no cause unto the contrary : My lord ys good I promyse yow : I had wonders good words off hym And off mr doctor ley lykewyse : In good ffaygthe as I doo perceyve : they Intend charytably I am so conffortyd by them so thatt I am mery : I thanke god : lett us care ffor owr owne As ffor mr serles I thynke he hathe byn a doer a bove with dr london : butt I am nott sewar of hytt : And mr schether hath he overmych occupyd with hys pen : I wyll say noo thyng ffor ther. Be yow mery I pray yow : I trust all schalbe well. Thes wordes confortyd hym soo : that thatt oftyn tymes he wold say unto me after : I am glad : thatt yow have had good conffort bothe off my lord also off mr doctor ley : hytt conffortyth my hartt mych : I sayd : Be yow contentyd : And I wold thatt we had never seyn wyllyby : and summe other
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